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AVOIDING TO ANSWER: McCarthy REFUSES to comment on President's "KUNG FLU" remarks
White House defends Trump's use of 'kung flu'
Coronavirus: White House defends Trump's controversial use of "Kung-Flu" to describe COVID-19
White House says Trump does not regret 'Kung Flu' remark, claiming origin of virus is China
Reporter Debunks Trump Surrogate's Claim That Term 'Kung Flu' Came From Obama Admin | NBC News
"KUNG FLU": President talks China & names for COVID-19
How 'Kung Flu' Rhetoric Impacts The Asian American GOP Vote
WATCH LIVE: Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy holds weekly news briefing
White House defends Trump's use of 'kung flu'
China opposes 'racist remarks' after Trump calls coronavirus 'kung flu' | AFP
Responding to Racist Assault: Bystander Intervention Trainings Help Community Members Defend Victims
US should 'slow the testing’ for ‘kung flu’, says Trump in rally remarks about Covid-19